Western Downs Directory

The online business directory for the Western Downs Region

In today’s increasingly online environment, it’s vital for businesses to have a strong web presence. Western Downs Directory offers affordable online advertising across a wide range of categories and aims to be the one-stop directory for the Western Downs.

Single Listing - 365 days
Standard: $55/yr
Featured: $110/yr
Your business listed in one category. Includes your logo, business name, address, phone, fax, email, website link, business summary (30 words) and Google Maps.

Multiple Listing - 365 days
Standard: $110/yr
Featured: $220/yr
Includes all aspects of single listing, with the ability to add your business listing in up to three categories. Featured listings will apply to all categories chosen.

Webpage + Listing - 365 days
Single: $380/yr
Multiple: $480/yr
Build your business with one of our webpages. Simply email us 6 images and up to 400 words of text and we will create a webpage for you. This option includes all aspects of a single or multiple featured listing in addition to your webpage. Your webpage address will be: www.westerndownsdirectory.com/yourbusinessnamehere

Local business